When I look back on the past two years, I realize just how many life-altering changes I’ve made. I suppose it’s no wonder I am crazy. As if it’s not shocking enough just to have a baby, I also quit my job thus making us a single-income household and greatly changed my definition of self. As many have said before me, you can’t even imagine how much your life will change when you have a baby. I thought I was prepared; that’s a giant understatement.
The biggest struggle I’ve had since becoming a mother is maintaining my sense of self. I have struggled to hold on to the person I was before motherhood. I’ve had to let go of parts of my old being. That wasn’t as big of a deal as trying to establish who I am now, within the realm of motherhood, especially stay-at-home motherhood. When you tell people you’re a stay-at-home mom, they instantly change how they view you. Either they agree with you, are envious of you because it doesn’t work for them, or think you’re a moron. I can deal with the first two judgments; it’s the last one that really makes me angry.
The people who think stay-at-home moms are morons, including my neighbor, who I now avoid for this reason, imply or blatantly state that I’ve nothing to do since I “don’t have a job.” Now, while staying home with my daughter (for internetting purposes we shall call her Bird) is a blessing, it’s not all laughter and sunshine. It’s hard. There are days when I think it would be much easier to send her to daycare and hope that she turns out okay. I will never understand why people assume you have hours of leisure time. Hello? I am CARING FOR MY CHILD! This is something people who are unable to stay home with their kids PAY PEOPLE TO DO. How is what I do not a job? I like what I am doing but, please, do not assume that I’m sitting on the couch all day watching trashy television. Certainly my schedule is more flexible than someone who has a paying position but that does not make me lazy or provide me with hours of leisure time.
When my husband (here we will call him Bread, as in the bread winner) and I decided I should quit my job it was for the sanity of our household and the longevity of our marriage. I give working moms all the credit in the world; it’s the most difficult job I can imagine and I truly sucked at it. Anyway, in an attempt to bring some sanity to our lives, we decided I should stay home. In that decision alone, I gave up an entire piece of myself. The part of me that had a career was long gone. Gone also was the extra income that allowed us to do things like go on vacations, go to dinner, buy really expensive hair products (Bumble & Bumble, RIP) and pretty much whatever else we wanted. That’s another huge part of why those who imply I don’t do anything or have it so easy because I don’t work really irk me. It was a decision, for our family, that changed all of our lives, at least for now; we’ve all made sacrifices. Don’t judge me because you think my life is a cakewalk. Try it.
Our lives are easier now in some ways but much more difficult in others. I know it was the best decision for Bird. Her life was made simpler and easier and she gets to see her mom all day and spend quality time with her dad in the evenings and on weekends. I hope, and he claims this is correct, that the decision has been easier on Bread. I try to do most everything; I cook, clean, do the laundry and walk the dogs when it’s not 20 degrees and there is some light. I like him to just be able to come home and spend time with his family.
I’m not a moron for having made this decision. I am still a human being with a brain (or most of a brain anyway). People don’t assume teachers and daycare providers are morons because they deal with children. Why would I be a moron because I stay home with mine? I just can’t stand it. I’m not one of those people who can think of witty comebacks right away either. I can never think to point out the obvious.
I guess my point is: I’m not a moron. Being somebody’s mother does not solely define who I am. I love being a mom, but I struggle not to allow that to become all that I am. I have a brain. I use it, sometimes. I am a wife. I am a mother. I love my two dogs. I like to think of myself as a writer. I love books and I’m a huge magazine junkie. I think it’s glorious that you can pay someone $10 or $20 a year and each month they will send you a magazine filled with juicy little tidbits. And, directly to your house nonetheless! I love hair, makeup and clothes, although, I am currently questioning my fashion choices. I enjoy exercise; I don’t get enough and I struggle with my self-image. I like movies. I love, love, love television and think the DVR is one of the greatest inventions ever. I need at least seven hours of sleep. Cooking and baking are two of my new favorite pastimes. I am obsessed with Costco. Disneyland is not the greatest place on earth, it’s Costco. This is who I am. Take that, asshat of a neighbor. Judge not least thee be judged or something like that...
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