When I was pregnant with Bird, we had about a thousand conversations about what traits she would get from each of us. It wasn’t just the physical we discussed; it was everything. We are both good people (mostly) and, naturally, we were hoping she’d get the best of both of us. The internet is not large enough for me to discuss those qualities of mine that I hope she does not inherit…
At only two and a half years-old, I can already see many similarities in Bird and her perfect (cough) parents. She’s definitely got Bread’s stubbornness, hence the marathon tantrum sessions. She’s smart (him again). She is obsessed with all things girlie. I did not do it on purpose; she has a vanity where she styles her hair and gazes lovingly into the mirror. She loves princesses. I’m not exactly sure how this evolved; we are just going to roll with it since it allows me to do her hair daily. She also has an opinion on everything (I’ve no clue where this came from- wink, wink).
Bread and I are both avid readers. I love books. I am obsessed. I stalk Borders for new releases and then quick and request them from the library because we cannot front my addiction. I fall asleep every night, with a book, in bed. I wish I could read on the treadmill or elliptical but it makes me sick. I can’t read in the car either (as a passenger, I am not one of those crazy people who tries to read while driving). So, of all the things we’ve taught her and she’s inherited thus far, Bird’s love of reading is what I love best. Or, at least, it's on my top ten list. It's hard to pick just one; she's so great!
We started reading to her when she was three months old. I would read Goodnight Moon to her before bed. By the time she was nine months old, she was completely obsessed with books. She used to climb up the stairs, go into her bedroom and sit on the floor and read for hours. She will curl up on my bed with me, insisting I read the twenty books she just brought with her. At any given time, I have easily twenty or thirty children’s books checked out of the library; we go at least once a week.
I am planning to do everything in my power to keep her reading. In elementary and middle school, I used to love library day. I was always disappointed because we could only check out one book a week and that wasn’t enough for me. Of course I hid how much I loved to read because it wasn’t cool. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the only reason I was not cool so I don’t think it was really necessary. Ah, the joys of adolescence.
I am very much looking forward to reading Laura Ingalls Wilder’s series of books. I want to read her Charlotte’s Web, Anne of Green Gables, Bezus and Ramona and someday maybe we can tackle some Jane Austen. The list is endless and I know Bread has his too.
For now we are enjoying the Fancy Nancy series of books. She also thoroughly enjoys Pinkalicious. She often picks up one of my novels and forces me to read a page or two. We are just going to keep reading and hope it sticks with her. It’s already apparent that pushing her into things will not work. We’ll definitely keep nudging, though.
I hope my daughter will share my love of reading someday. Right now she just enjoys trying to eat the books!