Dear Elderly Lady,
Since it’s nearly 80 degrees and quite humid, and you are wearing a sweater, blouse, slacks and some snazzy hose, it’s clear you did not check the weather report today. I hope you don’t sweat to death while you wait for your Smart Bus to pick you up and take you to Bingo. Have a lovely time! I hope it's air conditioned!
Over-Heating in Breathable Cotton
P.S. The 1970’s called and they want their synthetic fabrics back.
P.P.S. You really know how to rock an elastic waistband.
Dressing inappropriately for the season is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. In my opinion, boots are not acceptable after the first day of Spring (unless there is snow), just as open toed shoes are not okay in the Winter (but peep toed is okay if there is no snow on the ground). It is also my opinion that age does not make you exempt from these fashion rules (sorry Elderly Lady).