Tonight, we will be enjoying this recipe from Real Simple. Bread is a huge fan of paprika and pork. I am a huge fan of things that require little prep and effort. Yes! I’ll let you know how this is.
I recently discovered how fantastic Real Simple's recipes are. They include calorie count and really are "real simple." As I learned last week, when I attempted to make my own spaghetti sauce (as in not from a recipe), I should not make up my own recipes. This was a huge disaster because I over-salted it. I almost never add salt to anything and for some reason, on this particular day, I thought salt was necessary. It was terrible. I finally threw it all out yesterday. What a huge waste. So, until I get over this, I will be sticking to recipes.
Happy Hump Day, y’all!
Looks good. Let us know how it tastes!